The Art of the Impossible. A philosophical study of theatrical magic and related arts of impossibility.
Adventures in Consciousness. A philosophical exploration of 13 destinations in the universe of consciousness research intended for introductory undergraduate and general audiences.
Perceptual Harmony. A philosophical study of perception that argues for a view of perception as a kind of harmony between mind and world. Based on my 2006 dissertation and my recent work on audition.
“Resilient Understanding: The Value of Seeing for Oneself” (with Matthew Slater). Argues that part of understanding’s value vis-à-vis mere knowledge lies in its resilience to skeptical challenges.
“Enjoying the Impossible.” Explores the pleasure we take in watching magic performances and in related arts of impossibility.
“In Defense of Sounds as Properties.” Defends a novel view of sounds as properties of events (first articulated in “What We Hear” (2013)).
“Sonic Images.” Argues that sound recordings are analogous to photographic images.
“Seeing and Noticing.” Argues for a novel view of the relationship between perceptual recognition and perceptual phenomenology. “Magic and Wonder.” A popular article on the surprising persistence of magic as one of our most popular performing arts. Solicited by the widely-read NYT philosophy blog, The Stone.